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Sharing the responsibility and preparing for the birth of a baby can be an

 exciting and immensely rewarding 

for the birth partner.

Partner support is incredibly important to a birthing mother, be that with a
co-parent, close family member or friend. Having someone she trust’s close by to
share the milestones, worries , concerns and birth preparation.




In my birth preparation class we discuss the role of a birth partner, with lots of tips for a hospital or home birth. This includes evidence based research for pain management for you to consider your options in advance. Understanding obstetric care can help you, the partner, prepare to be an advocate during labour and immediately afterwards.

Birth is unique with multiple variables, knowing some of the possibilities that may arise will help you both discuss beforehand  so you can make informed choices in the moment. 

In my class we dive into supporting your partner two fold, physically and
emotionally.Very often in class I see mothers visibly relieved as the birth partner begins to  become engaged and ask questions. Taking the responsibility off her shoulders,  sharing the experience, being  positive and curious.

We also discuss the practical aspects of getting to the hospital, timings, bags, snacks, clothing, and communicating with care providers. Preparation for a home birth.

Above all I want partners to understand that birth support is not prescriptive. I
encourage mum’s to move intuitively and birth partners to be flexible in this fluid situation totally present , intune and in the zone with her .
Below is one of the birth partners who attended my classes. 

Sleepy Baby

Hi Tracey. Coming up to the pregnancy we both felt quite confident as we had done the pre natal
course and had been diligently practising breathing exercises etc. Had the baby bag ready to go

and the car always had a full tank of petrol.

Once the baby starting coming though,everything kinda went out the window and Emma didn't find partner breathing or massaging helped at all. I did feel pretty useless so kinda focused on the practical stuff like getting the car and suitcases ready and just making sure she was.comfortable. It helped to time the contractions for her too.

At the hospital all i could really do is be supportive as possible especially when it came
to dealing with nurses as they wanted to take blood etc so it was nice to be able to stand up to

them and be on her side.


Your advice from the course really helped with that. During the birth again ya kinda take a back seat and almost feel like a 5th wheel but I was able to hold Emma's hand and give her sips of water and i think it was good for emma to have someone there she could trust as she didnt believe the midwives that the baby was coming so I was able to reassure her. After the birth things get really scary cause Eoin was taken away a

couple of timed for checks and the whole ICU thing and again there wasn't great communication
between the staff so at least I could be there with Eoin and tell emma exactly what was going on.

Hope this helps and thanks again for all the help.

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